Why do we need training from a reputed US CMA Coaching Institute?

Why do we need training from a reputed US CMA Coaching Institute?

A pertinent question asked by many CMA aspirants is that why should we seek training from a dedicated US CMA Coaching Institute.

The Certified Management Accounting Program of the USA is predominantly an objective type of examination, as opposed to many other accounting and finance examinations of India.

To successfully clear this exam, a candidate must have a strong understanding of the concepts by learning the subject and not simply mugging up a text book.

While questions which are of objective type may not be repeated in the examination, the concepts often remain the same.

The advantage of learning from a reputable US CMA Coaching Institute is that you will be able to have a firm foundation and be able to truly appreciate what you learn.

Once a strong foundation is set, you will be able to answer tricky or complicated questions with ease. The minimum qualifying score is 360 out of 500. There are two exams in the US CMA and each exam lasts for four hours. The exam itself is divided into two sections.

The first section consists of 100 multiple-choice questions and the goal is to complete this in 180 minutes. And the second segment consists of 2 scenario-based questions where each question would further have about 4 or 5 sub questions and you will have 60 minutes to finish this section. In order to complete the MCQs and descriptive questions on time, you need to have the right mix of speed and accuracy.

Why should you join a US CMA Coaching Institute to develop speed and accuracy?

 As mentioned before, candidates get 180 minutes to solve the 100 MCQs and 60 minutes to solve the 2 descriptive questions. If a candidate completes the MCQs section before the allotted time of 180 minutes, the time that is saved here can be utilized towards answering the descriptive questions in the second half.

As speed and accuracy does not happen overnight, candidates appearing for the US CMA program need to undergo consistent training from a US CMA Coaching Institute of repute.

FINSPIRE Academy is one of those handful institutes that have both experienced faculty as well as proven and time-tested methodologies to help you master these skills. They offer tailor made online classes to suit the requirements of the aspirants who wish to appear for the US CMA Certification program.

The regular sessions offered by the academy are spearheaded by Transformation Catalysts who ensure that candidates are prepared two-fold. Care is taken to ensure that they acquire the necessary knowledge to master accuracy and also get the adequate practice to answer with speed, as both are essential for success.

A successful US CMA Coaching Institute would use proven scientific methods to pass the examinations.

These methods would be complemented by persistence, hard work and routine practice sessions under the guidance of a qualified Academic team. The team at FINSPIRE Academy has over 100 years of collective global corporate experience and 40 plus years of training and mentoring experience. Their unique learning methodology ensures that students are fully equipped to face the exam with confidence so as to perform well and come out successfully.

FINSPIRE Academy is a reputed US CMA Coaching Institute that provides dedicated practice sessions and scientific methodology for a CMA aspirant. Join today to get Finspired, to gain speed and accuracy and ace your exams!

Visit www.finspireacademy.com or mail to info@finspireacademy.com

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