What is Digital Rupee?

What is digital rupee? Digital Rupee, or e-Rupee, is a digital token released by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) that represents legal tender. It has the same value as fiat currency. It was released initially on November 1st, 2022 for the wholesale segment and was later released to the retail segment on December 1st. […]

What are your New Year Resolutions?

Setting New Year’s resolutions is a great way to begin the journey of self-improvement. This has been a tradition around the world for many years. Setting goals and working towards them can have a real positive effect on a person’s life and mindset. However, we all know that sticking to your new year’s resolutions is […]

What lessons can professionals and businesses take from FIFA 2022?

If the 2022 FIFA World Cup has had a recurring theme, it must be “expect the unexpected.” The tournament had its share of highs and lows. We witnessed a host nation lose all World Cup matches for the first time. After defeating heavyweights like Spain and Portugal, underdog Morocco became the first African nation to […]

Emergence of Embedded Finance in 2023

In simple words, embedded finance combines financial solutions with non-financial customer journeys. These solutions improve the customer experience and provide greater satisfaction. For example, as a customer, you can add insurance for a specific product during checkout on the e-commerce website itself. Embedded finance services include: This form of finance has increased in popularity because […]

The Impact of Alternative Finance in 2023

 Alternative Finance or Alt Finance refers to financial services and products that exist outside of traditional financial systems such as banks and capital markets. It include peer-to-peer (P2P) financing, crowd funding, revenue-based financing, and so on.  Alternative financing provides Individuals flexibility and variety of options. This has made alternative financing a very popular option among […]

Confused about what to do after 12th?

Today, if you ask students what they want to do after 12th, they will not have a clear answer. Because they are bombarded with a plethora of choices, this is understandable because what you study after 12th can define your profession for the rest of your life. However, it is important to make a wise […]

Is Economic Recession around the corner?

Around the world markets and economy are showing signs of impending Economic Recession that is to fall upon the world with a heavy arm. According to US experts, the Federal Reserve will intensify its campaign of monetary tightening as never before in the past decade. The research firm Ned Davis has predicted 98% chance for […]

The Finance Side of the Twitter Story

There are always two sides to every story, especially when it comes to business.Let us dive deep into the financial side of the Twitter story. Elon Musk abruptly took over Twitter on October 26, 2022. After closing a $44 billion deal for the social media platform, he entered Twitter’s headquarters. He fired the company’s top […]

How Automation and Metaverse will change global work culture in the near future?

Automation and Metaverse

According to the World Economic Forum, automation and the Metaverse are the future. By 2025, tens of thousands of new job profiles will emerge as a collaboration between humans, machines, and algorithms becomes necessary. This revolution began in 2005 when Business Process Management was introduced (BPM). With the 2011 release of Apple’s Siri, the trend […]

Effectively managing stress among finance and accounting professionals

finance and accounting professionals

Managing stress in the workplace is a significant obstacle for finance and accounting professionals. According to a CABA study, the finance & accounting profession is amid a mental health crisis, with 31% of professionals experiencing daily stress, which is a significant concern for employers. What is stress? Stress is “the adverse reaction individuals have to excessive […]